Emergency Assistance - Round 7

COVID-19 Resident Assistance for Utilities/Food - Round 7

There is one grant available for City of Saxman residents. This grant provides up to $750.00 in assistance which grants one per household. Applicants have the option of where they would like this grant amount to be applied. The options include to their electric bill, fuel for heating, and a food voucher for A&P. This amount may be split evenly between the three options or put all on one. Depending on the area of need and what is requested by the applicant. 

If the applicant chooses to have an amount put towards their electric or fuel for heating we will need the account number for the listed service address.

Applications can be found with the link below, in person at the City Hall or can be completed over the phone.  Call us at (907) 225-4166 if you have any questions or concerns. 
