RFP Bid Solicitation - Re-carving of the Chief Ebbits

RFP Bid Solicitation

Official Release Date of RFP is April 7, 2022.

*Re-Carving of the Chief Ebbits for installation the Saxman's Totem Row Park*

The Dogfish pole (a.k.a. Chief Ebbits Pole) is a memorial pole dedicated to the Chief Ebbits, the Head Chief of the Tongass Tribe who passed away in 1880. The totem displays multiple crests of the Wolf Clan including a mud shark and bear. Wolf Clan members are also depicted while holding an ancient hammered copper plaque which were held in very high esteem. Every wealthy man aspired to own one, as it represented from one to three thousand blankets of fifteen to twenty slaves in exchange value.

Chief Ebbits original name was Neakoot, but he assumed the name of John Jacob Astor's Captain Ebbets as a compliment to the trader. Neokoot entertained Captain Ebbets, who hailed from New York, in 1802 and 1809. The two men exchanged courtesies and gifts and sealed their friendship by exchanging names as well. Since that time, Ebbits has been the hereditary name of the Tongass house head. The pole is a historical monument that tells an important peaceful story of early Tlingit contact with white traders.

The Dogfish Pole is the largest, oldest, and most central pole in Totem Row Park. The Pole was carved 1892-3 and was perhaps the last totem carved at the old Tongass Village site on Tongass Island. When the pole was transported to Saxman in 1938 by the Civilian Conservation Corps, it was still in good enough condition to repair. The repairs, done by Indian employees of the CCC, allowed this totem to stand upright until 2017. This pole is believed to be the oldest original pole standing in the park, at age 117 years. Sadly, the Saxman City Council had to have the pole taken down and placed near the Carving Center because it was deteriorated enough to be a safety concern.

** The City of Saxman is soliciting area carvers to submit a bid to replicate the Dogfish Pole (a.k.a. Chief Ebbits Pole) totem in Saxman's Totem Row Park. Hard copies of this RFP Bid Solicitation can be found at the Saxman City Hall. Bids are due (on the attached form) at Saxman City Hall by 3:00pm Friday, July 7, 2022. **

For more information on technical specifications and scope of work please contact the Saxman City Hall at (907) 225-4166.

**Online Fillable Forms can be found with the link below**

RFP - Chief Ebbits